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Referencing Connectors

The name, used to reference a connector plugin in API requests or a pipeline configuration file, is using the following format:


  • PLUGIN-TYPE (builtin, standalone or any)
    • Defines if the specified plugin should be builtin or standalone.
    • If any, Conduit will use a standalone plugin if it exists and fall back to a builtin plugin.
    • Default is any.
    • Defines the name of the plugin as specified in the plugin specifications, it has to be an exact match.
    • Defines the plugin version as specified in the plugin specifications, it has to be an exact match.
    • If latest, Conduit will use the latest semantic version.
    • Default is latest.


  • postgres
    • will use the latest standalone postgres plugin
    • will fallback to the latest builtin postgres plugin if standalone wasn't found
  • postgres@v0.2.0
    • will use the standalone postgres plugin with version v0.2.0
    • will fallback to a builtin postgres plugin with version v0.2.0 if standalone wasn't found
  • builtin:postgres
    • will use the latest builtin postgres plugin
  • standalone:postgres@v0.3.0
    • will use the standalone postgres plugin with version v0.3.0 (no fallback to builtin)

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